Understanding strategic fund development is the first step in developing an effective Major Gifts fundraising program for your non-profit organization. Once you understand strategic fund development you can start the process of creating the actual plan.

What is Strategic Planning for Major Gifts?

Major Gifts is the intentional planning and implementation of focused, donor centered cultivation initiatives that nurture a relationship to the point of where the donor benefits as well as your non-profit organization.

So what does this mean? Strategic fund development means your organization identifies and develops a relationship with donors and prospective donors who show a sincere interest in your mission. If you develop these relationships correctly, the donors and prospective donors will want a deeper involvement in your non-profit.

What will Strategic Planning do for your donors?

Strategic fund development fosters a donor oriented thought process that will advance your non-profit’s relationships. The improved relationships will honor and increase the donor’s ties to your non-profit. The stronger the ties are, the more your donor will be willing to help your mission.

Strategic fund development moves prospects through standardized (yet flexible) successive tracks. Most importantly, strategic fund development will improve the accountability of the fundraising program and its professionals. Without a written plan, it is difficult to track progress and equally as different to celebrate wins and successes. Know where you are starting and know where you want to be in your Major Gifts plan.

Benefits of a Major Gifts Strategic Plan

  1. Every donor is able to make a difference through your organization. Making a difference is a very important benefit to a donor.

2.  Your organization will realize significantly increased current and deferred funding that supports your mission.

3. Every discipline in your non-profit is involved in the process. The process will involve the Board Members, Professional Staff, Volunteers, Program Leaders and Donors/Prospective Donors. Your team will benefit through increased ownership in the Major Gifts program and see how they individually impact the organization.

4. Every gift is a stepping stone to the next gift.

5. Solicitation of gifts that will make an impact on the donor, your non-profit and those served by your non-profit. It creates a win-win environment.

As you can see, strategic fund development is the intentional process of developing, nurturing and improving relationships with donors and prospective donors. Now that you understand it you can start the process of developing your Major Gifts strategic plan.

Download our free Cultivation Calendar sample and template to start your planning process.