Your Nonprofit’s Case for Support

Diana Turner, GPC
Principal, Smith Turner Consulting

Bob Gregg
Principal, The Bridge Consulting Group, LLC

A well written Case for Support can mean the difference between the success and failure of a fund-raising campaign. It is an essential and unparalleled advantage for any non-profit organization seeking to gain support from donors to help promote their vision in the community.

In this three part series, we will describe the benefits of a Case for Support and what you can expect to gain from it. We will also give you the tools you need to form your own Case for Support. Finally, we will show you how and when to leverage it to the greatest advantage of your organization.

Remember, nothing can happen until you describe your dream.

Part One: Why every nonprofit needs a great Case for Support.

Whether for a capital campaign, the launch of a new program or your annual fund-raising, the Case for Support can ultimately help you meet organizational goals. A great Case for Support can serve as a catalyst for campaign success.

Your Case for Support is:

  • A living document that clearly illustrates your organization’s mission.
  • A document that provides compelling reasons for support from a donor’s perspective.
  • One of the most important documents you will ever create.

A great Case for Support can help you:

  • Enlist friends and new leaders to your cause.
  • Establish organizational credibility.
  • Demonstrate sound program management & project planning.
  • Satisfy a donor’s need for due diligence before making a commitment.
  • Motivate staff and board to promote your organization with confidence.

Your Case for Support will define:

  • The community need(s) your organization or program addresses.
  • Program descriptions.
  • What others say about the impact you are making in the community.
  • The key elements of cost:
    •  Administrative vs. Program
  • How the program is cost effective.
  • Opportunities for the donor to help solve the problem in ways that are meaningful to them.

Once completed, the Case for Support arms the staff and board involved in donor cultivation with relevant knowledge, background and selling points. With this information, they can deliver a more compelling, consistent and effective campaign pitch. A comprehensive Case for Support also reassures the donor that their investment will be stewarded responsibly, and it empowers others to endorse your vision.

Coming soon in Part Two: How to create your Case for Support

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